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Submit your Wonder

  • Pick a single item in your home (or wherever you have found yourself in isolation) which means something to you. This item will be known as your ‘wonder’ in the exhibition. It can be something with historic resonance or something which has come to mean something to you during more recent times. There are no rules on what item you want to pick – it doesn’t even have to be a physical object, it might be a piece of music, a memory, a smell …
  • Describe to us the story of your wonder. Please do this in a video (a phone video would be great – landscape or portrait). Try and keep this to one minute or under in length

  • If it is a physical object, take a photograph of that item against a white background – even if it is not a physical object it would be great if you can try and send us a visual representation of it – how might it be displayed in a museum

  • Tell us about you and your wonder using the online submission form below. The categories you choose will help us to curate the museum

  • Submissions must be made in two parts:
    1. Completion of the online form below
    2. Send a one minute video by email after you have submitted the form

  • Submissions close on 12th July 2020

Just to let you know that, by participating in the project and submitting a video, picture, story, you are giving The Community Brain the permission to use it for this project and to help promote the Museum of Today. Our full privacy policy can be found at

Submission Form

    Tick this box to confirm you will send your video to

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