The Museum of Today invited individuals and households to select an object from their home that has a particular resonance for them, now, and to tell its story.
Their stories are documented in forty-eight short video submissions, curated into a variety of themes such as Childhood, Stories, Love, Wonder and Loss.
Take a look at our cabinet of wonders, and browse the exhibits in 3D. Select a drawer to discover the objects of wonder inside.
You will need to be viewing this site on Google Chrome on a PC or Mac; unfortunately this 3D technology is not properly supported on a mobile phone or tablet.
The Community Brain commissioned five artists from a variety of disciplines to respond to the exhibits submitted to The Museum of Today in any way they desired.
They were given access to all the videos and images submitted by all participants.
Now is a moment. Now is unusual. Now is important for different reasons. Now means different things to different people. So how will you remember now? What is important to you … now?
The Museum of Today aims to give people an opportunity to become part of a collective project at a time of extreme isolation when many of our physical gathering spaces are inaccessible.